So, you survived all the holidays had to bring, up to the end of the calendar, with your relatives. With a new year comes a fresh start, and that's why we say...
Don't overcomplicate your New Year's resolutions. There are simple things you can do that won't change your daily routine but will keep you fit, healthy, and full of nutrients!
Step 1: Fred Flintstone says, “Take your vitamins!”
If you aren't already taking a daily vitamin, get on it! Pick one that you know will be easy to take and that will support your body's ability to do something it struggles with. For example, my autoimmune disease makes my immune system sub-par to those without an autoimmune disease. Therefore, I picked a daily vitamin that supports immunity. I also hate taking pills, so I chose the gummy vitamins. Since I'm a woman, I ended up with Women's Daily Vitamin for Immune Support—Gummy Vitamins. Pick one that works for you!
Step 2: Water, Water, Everywhere, and PLENTY to Drink!
Get two birds with one stone—replace some of your daily sugary drinks with a big glass of thirst-quenching water instead. This will reduce the amount of sugars and caffeine you take every day and increase how much water you drink. Brilliant, right? You can even add some fruit or Vitamin C powder to your water to boost nutrients (and a little extra flavor)!
Step 3: The Whole of Whole Grains
This one is easy—next time you go to the grocery store to get bread, get whole grain bread instead of white bread. Next time you get a sandwich from Subway, opt for the whole-grain option. Do you have a hankering for some pasta? Try the whole wheat pasta; you'll barely notice the difference and eat healthier with just a tweak to your meals.
Step 4: No, I DO NOT want to super-size it.
Fast food on occasion is not terrible, but if your 'on occasion' includes a gallon of soda, a burger the size of your head, and 5 potatoes worth of french fries covered in salt, you're just asking for a heart attack. Next time you go through the drive-thru, get a small meal, not a big one, for an entire family (unless you intend to share it with your whole family… yeah, I didn't think so).
Step 5: Avoid the Whatchamacallit Stuffed with Breaded Wabbadabbas Covered in a Creamy Sauce
What do the words 'creamy,' ' stuffed,' ' sauced,' and ' breaded' all have in common? Generally, dishes with those descriptions are loaded with fats. Pass on the Margaritas and Pina Coladas because most mixed drinks contain sugar. When eating out, it's best to stick with steamed or grilled fish, a side of veggies, and a glass of wine or a simple cocktail instead. Or, go the extra mile and get… *gasp* water!
Step 6: Keep Allergies, Colds, and Other Nasty's at Bay.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Carry hand sanitizer (and use it!)
- Eat plenty of fiber to keep your digestive tract clean and illness-free!
- Get a good night's rest!
Step 7: Get Moving!
It doesn't matter what you do to be active, as long as you're moving. When shopping, park in the back of the parking lot and take the stairs instead of the escalator. Use household chores as a way to get exercise by doing lunges while you vacuum or squats while you wash the car. When you're at work, walk to lunch instead of driving or walking around your building after eating. Take your dog for a longer walk. Play kickball with your kids. The possibilities are endless—get creative and get moving!
Step 8: Make Time For Yourself
In a society that is constantly on the go with more work than time, getting out of work mode and relaxing is essential. Find a relaxing hobby for you or take an afternoon to sit and do nothing; maybe even start practicing meditation. Whatever it is, make sure you have plenty of time for yourself, and don't let anyone try to make you feel guilty for doing so. You deserve some you time!