
1. Cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying.
2. Cover the affected area with lotion once a day. 
3. If excessive drying of the skin or rash occurs, reduce the application of the lotion or discontinue use. 
4. To speed relief, we recommend using Mite-B-Gone Mite Killer Spray

*Apply soap to a loofah or soft cloth to avoid the scratchy feeling of sulfur granules.


Get Rid of Human Mites Completely and Effectively With Our Value Pack Bundles!

We Know You Have Questions.

We Are Here To Help!

What Are Mites?
How Did I Get Mites?
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Mite Infection?
What Are Some Of The Common Uses Of Mite-Be-Gone?
How Long Should Mite-B-Gone Stay On The Body Before Washing Off?
What Is In Mite-Be-Gone?
Can I Use Mite-Be-Gone To Treat My Scabies?
Can I Use This If I Am Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?

Rave Reviews from our Amazon Customers!

"Fast Acting"

"So far, so good! I’ve tried everything and this is reducing redness, itchiness, and appearance overall. Will update in a week or so."

- Chantel

"Warning! Open carefully!!

"It's a VERY thin cream and will spill all over the place.
Arrived on time, 1/03/21, Pleasant smell. It felt good, soothing, going on. As I spilled a generous amount when I opened it, there really was no skin testing I could do, so, I just slathered my arm as my test spot. It definitely stopped the itching almost immediately.

I'll report back as I notice changes. Please click the "Helpful" button if you find this helpful.

Back story: I have what I'm positive are scabies on my inner right elbow and back of right knee. I believe I got them from someone sitting in my chair at work in July 2020, since it started in the summer on the backs of my knees only. I thought I had it under control, and almost gone, for a while, but it came back, with a vengeance, on the right knee and right elbow recently.
I've had 4 back to back rounds of antibiotics that did nothing to help when a doctor thought it was a staph infection. Likely only a secondary issue due to the scratching."
- Kellie

"My daughter who often scratched open sores hasn't scratched all day"

"Not sure what's on my hands and all over my 3-year-olds body, but we've been fighting it for months and tried many products. Thought it was eczema but cortisone doesn't help at all. I really don't know what it is and nether dose the worthless doctor. Anyhow after one days use, both my daughter and my skin looks better that it has in a very log time. It's less than I thought, smaller I should say, and I'm putting it all over my daughters body, now twice, so the bottle is almost half gone already, and I just ordered two more. I see people say it doesn't work? I've spent hundreds over the months and nothing worked like this did. It literally worked over night. My hands look almost completely healthy and my daughter who often scratched open sores hasn't scratched all day. It's way worth the $ I spent on it. ==============================

Update after 3 weeks use

My daughter's skin is clear! I really wish I took some pictures because this is incredible improvement. I've used two and a half containers now, but am applying it less and less with each week that passed. I'm ordering another bottle now just to have it on hand in case of another "flare up", But as I said her skin is almost completely healed, no open sores, no rash, nothing... My hands are also almost clear, although I do need to use it once or twice a day still because its still a little itchy, mostly at night.
I highly recommend this product."

- Douglas

"Worked extremely well"

"Love it. It worked very well for my daughters scabies and she absolutely loved the smell( it smells like herbal medicine). she said it smells "like fresh dirt and tea tree oil". She kept sniffing herself and giggling. Overall it stopped her itching and cleared and healed her scabies in about 8 days. I kept applying it for a few days after it was gone to be certain. I am writing this review several months after use. I still use this for minor rashes and itchy skin, works very well."


"It really works, I hesitated using it the grit scared me but it is very good!"

"Not all creamy there is granules in it, but guess I was a chicken lol"

- goldilocks

"It really works!"

"Surprised this creme really worked and bye-bye mites."

- Hwdreams

"I break out terribly with mosquito bites to the point the bite is still itchy a couple of days after the bite. I bought this because I read the reviews on it and let me tell you it works so well. I used it once in the morning after my shower and once at night. You might not need to use it that much but it works wonders for me! Recommend for any type of itchiness!"

- Tricia

"I had Demodex mites for months. I tried 4 or 5 other treatments before purchasing and using Mite B Gone. None of them worked!!! This one worked in less than than 3 weeks!!!!! I used about 2/3's of the 4oz bottle!!!!! Demodex mites are active when you sleep at night. They like it dark and warm. I applied Mite B Gone every night after showering..... right before going to bed. Apply a light film on the effected areas. Wash your bedding frequently during treatment. Does have a mild Sulfur smell. This stuff is amazing!!! Thanks Mite B Gone!"

- Mark

"I was surprised when my right hand suddenly got dozens of swollen, red, painful and agonizingly itchy bites, many with the bite mark in the middle. It looked as though I had smallpox. Within days also bites on my arms and legs, many as furrows. Yuk. I don’t know how I got it. I ordered this cream, and it was miraculous. It immediately reduced the itching. Within a day, the lesions were healing. I put it on any new ones that appeared, and it stopped them in their tracks. From what I read, it was very hard to eradicate the mites completely and I bought many products to combat them. But this cream made them heal very quickly, and I’ve never used the other products. I was expecting a new attack in ten days or so when the eggs laid in the furrows hatched, but it never happened, and it’s been a month. I have had a lot of success with homeopathy in the past, and this cream is one more success. It has both sulfur and homeopathically-potentized sulfur, a winning combination!"

- Arya7

"Tried a few other things that didn’t work. This seems to work the best. Some tips though.1.) Spend the money and get the medium or big one. (it’s not a miracle worker, you have to continue to use it every day.) The small one probably won’t be enough unless you caught it early and even then you’d rather have more than not enough.2.) Yes it stinks.. but would you rather have bites all over you or stink for a little bit while you get rid of these mites.3.) it actually made it worse the first 2 days of using the product but since then has almost completely got rid of all bites."

- Zak

"I had a terrible case of mites. Permethrin prescribed by my MD did nothing. Tea tree oil, neem, and clove did nothing. Sulfur is what kills mites -- pet owners know it, gardeners know it, and farmers know it. However, sulfur soap and Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths did nothing. Only sulfur in MBG cream helped me. I'm not done with this yet, but so far I would say that I'm confident that MBG kills these mites. MBG has helped me when almost nothing else did (vinegar helps a little) and has basically saved my life. Do this first if you have mites."

- Bart

"My 4-month-old son broke out in a horrible rash all over his face and stomach. The doctor said it was a bad case of eczema. She told me to keep it moisturized and recommended OTC lotions. I restricted my diet (breastfeeding) & quit giving him the Dr. recommended probiotics and Vitamin D. Nothing seemed to work. I was at my wit's end and finally found this product! Within a week his skin started clearing up. I found the probiotics I was using to be the trigger of eczema (yes, I got another flare-up after I restarted the Dr. recommended probiotics.) He is now 18 months and no flare-ups since."

- Desiree

"I never write reviews of products but I have to say I was dealing with a horrible issue for over six months and within three days of using this product my problem was a million times better. After a week the problem was completely gone and did not return. I can't say enough good things about Mite-B-Gone products. It was a lifesaver because I was at the end of my rope before I found it!"

- Dana

"This is a really good and effective product. I had some skin issues that would not go away. Went to at least three MDs who happily billed my insurance and charged a hefty co-pay. Then scratched their heads and went to the catch-all diagnosis of eczema, to no relief on my part. I decided to try this after reading about it on amazon. It really works. The rash and the itching are gone. My skin cleared up and I’m very pleased."

- Kevin

"I use this for rosacea. I have had bad red zit-like rosacea for years and have tried everything. I put a light coat on my clean face and head before bed. Then, after a morning shower, I put a light coat on my face. After it dries, I wipe off the scrubby beads and put bare mineral makeup on. It will dry out your face, (like it should). My face started clearing up in a couple of days. If anyone complains and discontinues using this because of the smell (which is not that bad), they do not have THAT big of a problem. The cure outweighs it."

- Janice

"Great relief for itch and hopefully with more use, mites will be gone. Also, love the lavender and sulfur soap." 

- TJ




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